Middle East and North Africa
Middle East and North Africa


Key Impact Areas

Economic Development

Law & Human Rights

Public Health Policy and Management

Public Policy Analysis & Public Administration
Alumni Highlights

Nimrod Goren, Israel, 2009-2010 Fellow
Humphrey Alumnus’s Pro-Peace Think Tank Named Among Top Think Tanks in MENA Region
Nimrod Goren’s think tank, Mitvim, was named one of the top Think Tanks in the Middle East and North Africa by the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Go To Think Tank Index. Mr. Goren established Mitvim 10 years ago to address the need for an Israeli foreign policy think tank with a progressive and pro-peace worldview. Mr. Goren enables two-way channels of policy dialogue with counterparts from Arab and Muslim countries, engaging with media and producing periodical reports, research papers, policy papers, and public opinion polls.

Mina Lalaoui Kamal, Morocco, 2018-2019 Fellow
Humphrey Alumna Wins U.S. State Department Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund Award
Mina Lalaoui Kamal was selected for the 2020 AEIF Award for her project “Bolstering Women’s Development in Rural Morocco,” which aimed to provide tools and skills to rural women so they can achieve self-empowerment and greater participation in the political, economic, and civic spaces of their communities. Twenty participants from Tamslouht and Setti Fadma communes benefited from a weekly literacy program, technical capacity building, and empowerment training to bolster their self-confidence, sense of citizenship, and engagement at all levels of their communities.

Ahmed Hassoon, Iraq, 2010-2011 Fellow
Humphrey Alumnus Ranked among the “Top 99 Under 33” of Foreign Policy Leaders by the Diplomatic Courier
Dr. Ahmed Hassoon was recognized for his work leading public health projects spanning 35 countries, specifically helping to rebuild Iraq’s health system. The magazine named Mr. Hassoon a risk-taker because of his experiences, including his office being bombed and receiving threats for standing with the most vulnerable individuals in society.

Amal Alachkar, Syria, 2011-2012 Fellow
Humphrey Alumna Selected as the 2018 IIE Global ChangeMaker
Dr. Amal Alachkar focuses on understanding the neurobiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders and identifying effective therapies for disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, depression, schizophrenia, and autism. The IIE Scholar Rescue Fund enabled Dr. Alachkar to join UC Irvine as a professor, where she helped establish UC Irvine’s first online master’s program in Pharmacology.
Cairo, Egypt
Over 50 Humphrey Alumni convened at the Egypt Sustainability Conference, sponsored by the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt. The event showcased the contributions and critical value of alumni in addressing Egypt’s national agenda and 2030 vision.

Realizing Full and Inclusive Democracy in Our Hemisphere
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program reflected on 40 years of bringing international professionals to the United States to study and collaborate with U.S counterparts. Sixty-four alumni from Latin America and the Caribbean came together at the 2019 alumni conference “Realizing Full and Inclusive Democracy in our Hemisphere” in Panama City, Panam. The Conference highlighted the Humphrey Fellowship Program’s impact on democracy, good governance, and social justice within Latin America, the Caribbean, and the world and also served as as pivot to the future, featuring alumni stories and hopes for the Fellowship.