Sub Saharan Africa
Sub Saharan Africa


Key Impact Areas

Agricultural & Rural Development

Educational Administration, Planning and Policy

Law & Human Rights

Natural Resources, Sustainability, and Environmental Policy
Alumni Highlights

William Okyere-Frempong, Ghana, 2019-2020 Fellow
Humphrey Alumnus Works to Bring Neo-Natal Incubator to Ghana
Dr. William Okyere-Frempong continued his work from his Professional Affiliation at the Georgia Institute of Technology to build a more cost-effective incubator for newborns in Ghana. He received a 2020 Humphrey Fellowship Program Alumni Impact Award to work with Georgia Tech to create a new type of incubator out of materials that can be easily cleaned, produced, and run with minimal effort.

Benetta Collins-Andrews, Liberia, 2010-2011
Humphrey Alumna Helps Develop Liberia’s National COVID-19 Response
Dr. Benetta Collins-Andrews was a member of Liberia’s National COVID-19 Response Team as a national facilitator training healthcare workers. In her role, she trained professionals in four counties in Liberia on minimizing the transmission of COVID-19 while treating patients. She also drafted the national guidelines for the pediatric treatment of COVID-19 in Liberia.

Angelo Louw, South Africa, 2016-2017 Fellow
Humphrey Alumnus Wins Award for Documentary on Climate Effects of Fishing Industry
Angelo Louw won the 2nd place award in the Best Documentary Category of the International One-Minute Film Festival in Cape Town, South Africa. His documentary entitled GUTTED focuses on protecting the world’s oceans. As described by Mr. Louw, “GUTTED looks at the detrimental impact harmful industrial fishing has had on small-scale fishers in [South Africa].” This documentary was presented at Amnesty International’s Human Rights Movie Festival in Cape Town in 2023.

Ackson J. Mwanza, Zambia, 2017-2018 Humphrey Fellow
Humphrey Alumnus Trains Women Farmers on Climate Sustainable Farming Practices
Ackson J. Mwanza developed a Humphrey Alumni Impact Award project to focus on strengthening women-owned vegetable markets through the use of solar energy and climate-smart agriculture in Zambia. He recruited three women cooperatives, and trained them on producing select vegetables, such as cabbage, while promoting climate-smart agricultural methods. As co-founder of the Harvest Fund, he also helped establish agreements with local suppliers, including supermarkets and restaurants, to formalize the transactions and guarantee the delivery of goods and services.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
25 Humphrey Alumni from 12 countries came together for a Humphrey Alumni Global Policy Dialogue in Tanzania to address the challenge of food insecurity within their own countries and throughout Africa. The event featured alumni-led discussions on promoting food security and resilient food systems through climate-smart agriculture, sustainable natural resources management, improved market access, and women’s empowerment.

African Humphrey Voices: Building a Better Future for Our Continent
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program reflected on 40 years of bringing international professionals to the United States to study and collaborate with U.S counterparts. Approximately 120 alumni from Sub-Saharan Africa came together at the 2019 alumni conference “African Humphrey Voices: Building a Better Future for our Continent” in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference highlighted the expertise and impact of Humphrey alumni over the last 40 years while exploring current international trends and shared global challenges.